Do you remember this camera?
Do you remember Flashcubes?
Well, I do!!
Do you remember Flashcubes?
Well, I do!!

This is what we have now.
Nice, compact and easy to use!
For Whom?
For me, I can only do it once (with help) then I can't remember the next time.
And now the kids are gone. So who will help me?
And trying to upload them to my computer and cropping or enlarging them.
Well.... that's a whole other story!!

So what should I do?
Well the only natural thing is to take a Photoshop class!
Right, a 48 year old homemaker takes a college class!
Well that's what I am doing in March. I am scared to death!
But I have a great support system. So here I go!!
Join me and try stepping out of your box. Try something new.
It is very empowering!